Reikistal Aura Opal Raw Stone
Based in Hong Kong. The shipping time is 7-9 days, package will not generate tax
If you’re feeling a little down in the dumps lately, one remedy is opal aura quartz.
This crystal is a bringer of joy, and just the sight of it, with its rainbow colors dancing and sparkling over the stone like the fire of an opal, makes the viewer happier.
Happier still is the person who can hold it in their hand and partake in its healing qualities.
Besides bringing joy, opal aura quartz brings optimism and hope on those gray, cold days of late winter.
Also called angel quartz, opal aura quartz is a bit different from “regular” quartz because it is partially synthetic. This doesn’t take away from its power at all, but gives it properties above and beyond those found in natural quartz. Opal aura quartz gets its iridescent colors from being bonded with platinum, and sometimes, silver. A clear crystal is heated to a high temperature then exposed to platinum and silver vapor. This allows the metals to bond on the atomic level with the silicon dioxide of the quartz.
Because of this process, called chemical vapor deposition, opal aura quartz is hard to find and can be a bit pricey. You can tell the real deal from imitations because the shimmering colors of opal aura quartz are not only intensely radiant and lustrous but exceptionally clear.
Opal aura quartz contains the properties of clear quartz in that it adapts itself to the energy requirements of the person who needs it. The high vibration of platinum allows you to access your spirit guide and the energy of the angels, including your guardian angel.
Here are some properties that are specific to this beautiful type of quartz:
- Opal aura quartz balances and purifies your chakras. These are spinning wheels of subtle energy. There are at least eight chakras, and they are found in a line down your spinal column.
- The crystal also cleanses and strengthens your aura. The aura is the sheath of biomagnetic energy that surrounds your physical body.
- The crystal helps integrate your light body into the physical plane and allows you to have access to the angelic realms.