Green crystal, magical gold-attracting ability

Green crystal, magical gold-attracting ability

Green crystal is a rare variety of natural crystal and is relatively expensive. Let us bring you some relevant knowledge about this rare gemstone. Green crystal is a kind of crystal. It is green b...
Pink Amethyst Point, a Unique Product of Nature

Pink Amethyst Point, a Unique Product of Nature

Pink Amethyst Point is a unique variation of Amethyst that is known for its stunning purple hue. The uniqueness of Pink Amethyst Point lies in its subtle combination of the traditional purple color...
Red crystal: warm and unrestrained life energy

Red crystal: warm and unrestrained life energy

Red crystal, also known as red rabbit hair crystal, also known as red hair crystal or volcanic crystal, is a precious and popular crystal gem. The main component is silicon dioxide, which appears r...
Blue crystal, deep soul energy

Blue crystal, deep soul energy

Blue crystal refers to the crystal that contains the blue parcel and the blue tone. The main difference between the blue crystal and the ordinary crystal is the internal trace elements and colors. ...
Advantages and effects of various crystals

Advantages and effects of various crystals

Crystal is a very mysterious gemstone that can be used for healing and balancing the mind, body and soul, as well as aesthetics and decoration, etc. Various crystals have different effects and func...
Rich in variety of crystals, let us walk into the dreamlike crystal world together

Rich in variety of crystals, let us walk into the dreamlike crystal world together

Crystal is a common type of gemstone. According to different colors, it can be divided into colorless crystal, yellow crystal, amethyst, pink crystal, etc. In addition, there are red crystal, blue ...
Love crystal: a crystal stone that helps you live a happy life

Love crystal: a crystal stone that helps you live a happy life

Love crystal, also known as "crystal marriage stone", is a crystal stone with mysterious energy. Love crystal can help you attract wealth, improve your career fortune, and promote emotional harmony...
Silver crystal: a power stone that attracts wealth and wards off evil

Silver crystal: a power stone that attracts wealth and wards off evil

Silver crystal is a very popular power stone with many functions and effects, but there are also some taboos, which are not suitable for everyone to wear. The following will introduce the functions...
The magical effect of black tourmaline

The magical effect of black tourmaline

As a common crystal stone, black tourmaline has a unique appearance and mysterious energy, making it one of the most popular energy stones in the crystal world. The effects and points of action of ...