【Weekly Flash Deals】Rose Quartz/Cirtine/Dream Amethyst Sphere
Based in Hong Kong. The shipping time is 7-9 days, package will not generate tax
The products in the photo are all in stock, Each is ONLY ONE piece.
If you place an order, confirm that you will GET THE PIECE CRYSTAL IN THE PHOTO .What you see in the photo and what you get.
We can be sure you are receiving the exact crystal in the photo, so only one of each engraving will be made! (Crystal is unique, sold out will be gone)
【Dream Amethyst】
is an excellent all-purpose stone, it is birthstone for February. Dream Amethyst is one of the best stones to work with the Third-Eye, enhancing both intuition and physical vision on all planes of existence, it can lead to prosperity and abundance, creates a strong healing field around the user, and as such, is a good choice to cleanse the aura and to enhance the immune system.
Dream Amethyst Sphere 1
【Rose Quartz】
【Garden Quartz】
is about spiritual growth. It is a kind of crystal connected with all chakras, cleans blockages, cleanses your aura, and invites energy to flow.Clear Quartz are strongly associated with the Third Eye & Crown Chakras but will remove energy blockages from any of the other Chakras.