Rich in variety of crystals, let us walk into the dreamlike crystal world together

Rich in variety of crystals, let us walk into the dreamlike crystal world together

Love crystal: a crystal stone that helps you live a happy life Reading Rich in variety of crystals, let us walk into the dreamlike crystal world together 4 minutes Next Advantages and effects of various crystals

Crystal is a common type of gemstone. According to different colors, it can be divided into colorless crystal, yellow crystal, amethyst, pink crystal, etc. In addition, there are red crystal, blue crystal, green crystal, tea crystal, etc. Each crystal color is given different meanings by people. The following shares the meanings, effects and taboos of crystals of different colors.

(1) Colorless crystal, one of the types of crystal

Features: This crystal is produced under pure conditions and is completely colorless and transparent. The crystal body has no cracks or other defects.

Meaning: Because it is colorless and transparent, it represents purity and selflessness.

Efficacy: It has the effects of enhancing spiritual energy, purifying negative energy, removing distracting thoughts and helping memory, and bringing good luck.

(2) Tea crystal, one of the types of crystal

Features: Tea crystal is a type of smoky quartz, showing different shades of tea brown.

Meaning: It represents stability and perseverance, and can assist in crystal treatment of detoxification.

Efficacy: It can promote the body's healing ability, increase immunity, activate cells, and maintain youth.

(3) Black crystal, one of the types of crystal

Features: Black crystal is close to black, also known as "smoky crystal stone".

Meaning: With its modern cool black color, it is also called "leader stone" and can show the charm of a leader.

Efficacy: Increase self-confidence, ward off evil and change luck, remove bad air from the body, absorb negative energy, and also have the effect of praying for blessings, so it is also called "evil-avoiding stone".

(4) Amethyst, one of the types of crystal

Features: Amethyst has grape purple, light purple, and also includes dark red. Among them, the purple is deep, bright and transparent. The best ones are better.

Meaning: In the Western world, amethyst represents the "guardian stone of love" and is often used as a token of love for couples, symbolizing romantic marriage.

Efficacy: Amethyst has the unique effect of stabilizing emotions and calming the mind, giving people courage and strength.

(5) Citrine, one of the types of crystal

Features: Also known as citrine, it is light yellow, yellow, and orange-yellow. The best appearance is similar to citrine gemstone.

Meaning: It represents wealth and fortune, and means creating wealth and gathering wealth.

Effects: It has the effect of calming emotions and eliminating fatigue.

(6) Pink quartz, one of the types of crystal

Features: Also known as "hibiscus stone", it has a pink, delicate texture and high color transparency.

Meaning: It is a gem that represents love.

Effects: It is said that wearing pink quartz can enhance affinity, improve interpersonal relationships, and promote feelings.

(7) Red quartz, one of the types of crystal

Features: Red quartz, also known as "Venus crystal" and "red rabbit hair crystal", is an expensive variety of crystal and its production is extremely rare.

Meaning: It represents vigorous vitality, enthusiasm for life, and happy and lasting feelings.

Effects: It has the effect of calming the mind and can prevent foul air and unclean things from getting close to the body, acting as a talisman. Women who wear it for a long time have a beauty effect.

(8) Green quartz, one of the types of crystal

Features: Also known as green ghost, green phantom crystal, also known as "ghost god of wealth", it can emerge inside the green cornucopia, water plants, whirlpools, pyramids, starry sky, thousand layers and other strange images.

Meaning: It represents harmony.

Effects: Increase wealth, smooth career, promote health, and improve personal fortune.

In short, different types and colors of crystals have different effects and functions. When purchasing, you need to choose the right crystal based on your zodiac sign and fortune.

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