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Reikistal šŸ”„ 7 Chakras Gift Box Bag šŸ”„
Reikistal šŸ”„ 7 Chakras Gift Box Bag šŸ”„
Reikistal šŸ”„ 7 Chakras Gift Box Bag šŸ”„
Reikistal šŸ”„ 7 Chakras Gift Box Bag šŸ”„
Reikistal šŸ”„ 7 Chakras Gift Box Bag šŸ”„
Reikistal šŸ”„ 7 Chakras Gift Box Bag šŸ”„

Reikistal šŸ”„ 7 Chakras Gift Box Bag šŸ”„

Sale price$29.90
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Aļ¼šThe Essential Healing Crystal Sets Gemstones is the best value for a complete Charka Healing Crystal kit for you to immediately get the most from you healing crystal and balance your chakras.Ā Ā  It includes 7 chakras tumble stones and raw stones (clear quartz, amethyst, sodalite, green aventurine, tiger eye, orange calcite and red jasper), 7 chakras necklace, blue apatite pendant, worry stone, spring crystal pendant and 7 chakras pendant.

Bļ¼šThe Essential Healing Crystal Sets Gemstones is the best value for a complete Charka Healing Crystal kit for you to immediately get the most from you healing crystal and balance your chakras.Ā Ā  It includes 7 chakras raw stones and chips bottle (clear quartz, amethyst, sodalite, green aventurine, tiger eye, orange calcite and red jasper), mushroom (clear quartz, amethyst, blue aventurine, green aventurine, tiger eye, agate and red jasper) , rose quartz heart necklace, rose quartz bracelet, tiger eye necklace, spring crystal pendant and geode box.


1. Sahasrara (Crown Chakra) : Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is a mineral made of oxygen and silicone atoms. As the meaning of the name suggests, Clear Quartz is transparent and clear to white colored. The meaning of Clear Quartz is healing and spiritual growth.

2. Ajna (Thrid-eye Chakra) :Ā  Amethyst

One of the most soothing styles of healing crystals, the Amethyst Stone is a known healer and spiritual leaper. A nurturer of the crown chakra, Amethyst is ever ready to stack your soul with serenity and help you find your clarity.


3. Vishuddha (Throat Chakra) ļ¼šLapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a Stone of Wisdom, and communication is also wrapped up in that.Using Lapis Lazuli to unblock your Throat Chakra and let the truth flow is going to give you that burst of confidence, clarity, and the ability to stand up.


4. Anahata (Heart Chakra) : Green Aventurine

Aventurine is a heart chakra stone, its always ready to rouse those feelings offar-flung love and fantasybut in a way that feels strong and healthy, ever ready to raise you up.


5. Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra) : Orange Calcite

Orange Calcite is a sacral chakra stone, The sun splashed energy of citrine is always a joy. This light bringing stone isknown for its ability to awaken dormant dreams, bring an extra dose of success, and let golden confidence rain down upon your soul.


6. Svadhisthana (Sacral Chakra) : Tiger Eye

The Tiger Eye courage shine when you turn to the practical magic. Working to clear away negative energy, this stone is ready to tap into your sacral chakra and help you walk through the world with pride.


7. Muladhara (Root Chakra ) : Red Jasper

Red Jasper is the root chakra stone.These earthly rich stones help to clear blockages from the lower chakras, reduce fear and anxiety, and help you on your journey to realizing and putting your inner power to practice.

Rose quartz is the stone of love. Use it to attract love and increase romance. Strengthen love for yourself, friends, lovers and family; mend broken hearts: and keep any relationship balanced, peaceful and loving.

Blue onyx can send out fatigue recovery wave, effectively improve mental strength, develop memory energy in the brain, improve stubborn stubborn temper, improve reading ability, corresponding to the throat chakra, can increase the ability of self-expression and communication coordination.

Orange Calcite helps to really activate your positivity, as well as giving you the insight you need into good opportunities that come your way. Often it takes courage to reach out to new opportunities as they emerge, and this crystal will help you do just that.

Fluorite is a popular meditation aid, not least since adopting a state of utmost calm and a quiet mind is so important for entering the meditative state. However, you can also use it if you have been having problems sleeping, by placing it beneath your pillow.

Carnelian is associated with fire and has long been used to rekindle the flames of the mind and body. Warriors wear carnelian to bring courage in battle, and orators and singers wear carnelian to clarify their voices and increase confidence in performances.

Clear crystal is about spiritual growth. It is a kind of crystal connected with all chakras, cleans blockages, cleanses your aura, and invites energy to flow.Clear Quartz are strongly associated with the Third Eye & Crown Chakras but will remove energy blockages from any of the other Chakras.

Smoky Quartz can be very useful in both grounding and clearing energy. More specifically, it can also help to clear oneā€™s mind and so focus.

Tigerā€™s Eye meaning keeps you focused and determined, even when obstacles arise. By challenging you to go after your financial goals, Tigerā€™s Eye benefits you on your journey to attract wealth and success.

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