Reikistal Carnelian Chips100g
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►Carnelian is associated with fire and has long been used to rekindle the flames of the mind and body. Warriors wear carnelian to bring courage in battle, and orators and singers wear carnelian to clarify their voices and increase confidence in performances.
Carnelian will awaken your passion and energy, enhance your physical and mental energy, and motivate you to move forward. It will give you the courage to win and confess your love. The Sunset Stone of Carnelian was named so by the Ancient Egyptians who marveled at the collection of fiery hues simmering in shades of burnt orange and pale pink. Just like a killer sunset
the Carnelian Stone is something of a soul stirrerever ready to cleanse away the dayand re-invigorate your strength with the promise ofsomething
In ancient timesthe orangeCarnelianstonehastaken up the mantle of many roles.The Egyptiansconsidered the Orange Carnelian to beblessedwith
feminine energy and the menstrual cycleit was a stone of fertility and linked to the power of lsis.The masculine Red Carnelian was said to be more activein its power and less about shedding the old and embracing the fiery energy of the newIt was there to stimulatelove and passion.Warriors would string Carnelian around their neck to give them courage in battle
Out of Ancient Egypt and into the Middle Ages and Carnelian became a stone of alchemyThewizeneo ones would boil up the bright autumnalenergyto
kickstart the powers of other chalcedonystonesltwas also beloved by architects and worn to symbolizestatus in societyWith its protective firesCarnelian wasalso used as a preventative against sickness and the plaque Further cementing its lore as a stone that brings out the longevity of life and the fighting spirit.The name of Carnelian comes from the Latin word meaning'flesh which perhaps speaks to itsreminder that we areflesh and blood and we should make the most ofthe here and now.